How Long Does Shein Take to Deliver?

If you love shopping, then you must have heard of Shien, which has now become a giant in the e-retailer market with the amount of customers they are serving. Now, if you are a businessman, then it becomes increasingly important to understand many nuances. One of the most significant nuances to understand is how long does Shein take to deliver. If you are also wondering about the Shein shipping time, we have the most updated information for you in this article.

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Part 1. Shein Introduction

Shein was known as ZZKKO in 2008, and Chris Xu from Nanjing, China, founded it. However, its marketability and growth increased tenfold when Xu moved the HQ to Singapore. It experienced a massive boom in 2022 when it surpassed H&M, Zara, and other e-commerce giants and made over $100 billion in business. 

While most will tell you that they are more popular for Women’s apparel, that’s not it. You can find tons of other clothing here as well. With growth and popularity, it now sells sports products, kitchen items, jewelry and accessories, and more.

Part 2. How Long Does Shein Take to Deliver?

In this section, we will discuss how long does Shein take to deliver to different parts of the world, as it depends on the location where you are doing business. Keep in mind that you can also deal with their warehouses if you want expedited shipping. In general, it can take anywhere between 2-10 days when you deal with them.

how long does shein take to deliver

1. US 

Keeping with the standard in how long does Shein take to deliver, there are two main categories. If you choose the standard mode of shipping, it can take up to 10 days. If you have selected Express shipping and paid a premium, you can get the product you ordered within seven days. The best part is that you can easily get your product in all 50 states of the US.

2. Canada

When it comes to how long does Shein take to deliver in Canada, the general premise is that it takes a bit longer than in the US. So here, the Standard shipping time is 9-13 days instead of 10 for the US. In the case of Shein shipping time, when you choose Express, it can take 7-9 days instead of 7 days for the US. Similarly, when you order a product from them, they can quickly ship it to all the territories and provinces of Canada.

3. UK

Similar to the above two, Shien offers the following:

Standard: 7-10 days

Express: 6-8 days

They also offer click and collect, which can take 7-11 days, but you need to contact and collect from the UK office.

4. AU

For the AU, the following are the shipping times and types:

Standard: 10-16 days

Express: 6-8 days

5. EU Countries

The same is the case with the EU:

Standard: 6-15 days

Express: 5-8 days

Keep in mind that the details may vary based on the country you are ordering from, which can change. 

Part 3. Factors Affecting Shein Shipping Time

With multiple warehouses around the world and streamlined processes, several factors affect how long does Shein take to deliver. It is important to understand these factors, especially if you are running a business off of Shien. It is also critically important for you to deliver products to your customers. So, if there is a delay due to any of the factors mentioned below, you can communicate with your customers.

Here are some of the factors.

1. Warehouse Location

The nearer you are to a global warehouse, the faster the delivery will be. Major ones are in the US, EU, and many other countries. If you live somewhere near the warehouse, you can get the minimum time mentioned in the previous section. 

Having a warehouse near your country allows for faster delivery and expedited processing. If the warehouse is far, it can take multiple stops to reach the destination.

2. Availability of the Stock

Even though thousands of products are available in Shien, sometimes there aren’t enough for something you ordered. The website checks the local warehouse nearest to your location. If the item is available, that’s good; otherwise, it has to be ordered and delivered from another warehouse or central warehouse in China.

So, any time you order something, check the availability of the stock on the shop page.

3. Shipping Method

This is one of the most straightforward factors. Most standard shipping can easily take two weeks to deliver your product. Standard shipping is cheaper even though it takes longer. So, if you are okay with waiting for a good product with competitive pricing, then standard is the way to go. 

But if you are willing to pay more, you can order with express shipping, which will save you some time and allow you to get your favorite product much faster.

4. Order Volume and Time of the Year

The smaller the order size, the faster it will arrive, as it is easy to manage the stocks and orders. The bigger the order size, the longer it can take. The method used can vary from arranging products from different warehouses to bringing them in directly from China. 

Secondly, no matter the size, if you are ordering during a particular season, the timings can vary. There is a massive influx of orders during Christmas, Black Friday, etc., and orders are delayed. There is so much a delivery can accommodate.

5. Weather Conditions

While it may not affect your Shein shipping time, extreme weather, such as heavy snow and hurricanes, can cause a significant delay. During these times, trucks, ships, and courier services either slow down or stop altogether to avoid any damage.

Part 4. Tips for Faster Shipping on Shein

tips for faster shipping on shein

Now that we have answered in some detail how long does Shein take to deliver, here are some tips to expedite that. Please follow these simple and practical tips to enhance your experience and gain faster shipping times. 

These tips are essential if you are a business that wants to improve your customers’ experience.

1. Express Shipping Option

Although shipping can cost more, the product is delivered in almost half the time. It is good to order important stuff you want to use with express shipping. 

It is more important if you are a business. If you get the order delivered on time, you can lower your profits and gain more customers.

2. Off Peak Orders

Always be aware of peak seasons. There will be tons of orders during holiday seasons and special occasions like Christmas and Holidays. So, instead of ordering during these, make sure you order something that arrives at least a week before these seasons. 

This tip will help you get your products well in advance, and your family will also be happy.

3. Order Via a 3rd Party Logistics

This tip is especially true for a business or supplier. If you have good contact with a third-party logistics company, then you don’t have to worry about your customers. These companies can expedite your shipping because of their routes and warehouses. They can also order your regular products well in advance based on metrics and store them in their warehouses for quick delivery. 

Companies like NextSmartShip ensure your peace of mind while they manage everything from the source to the end customer. All you have to do now is manage your website and let the shipping professionals handle the rest.

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In this article, we discussed in detail how long does Shein take to deliver, with essential information based on your location. Furthermore, we also discussed what factors can affect Shein’s shipping time, along with some tips to speed up the process. The best method to speed up your shipping time is to choose a reliable third-party logistics partner like NextSmartShip. NextSmartShip can enhance your shipping processes because of its experience, global warehouses, streamlined processes, and competitive rates. Visit NextSmartShip today and talk with them to see how they can be of service to you.

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