Tips for Custom Packaging Material

In shipping, the main purpose of packaging is to transport cargoes smoothly, to avoid breakage and leakage in delivery. However, good packaging is far from that. First impressions are made through packaging when your customers receive the items in 30 seconds. Favorable packaging is a portal to demonstrate your brand’s identity and a message to educate […]
Shopify Order Fulfillment with NextSmartShip

Shopify is a trending platform for those doing e-commerce business, like dropshipping or brand-building. Shopify makes it amazing for its accessibility to a great many design templates, flexibility for onsite SEO and compatibility with multiple apps. Compared with Amazon, Shopify pales in order management, inventory management and shipping management. Shopify sellers spare their efforts in finding convenient apps to compensate […]
Fulfill orders in the US vs Fulfill orders in China

Some of the sellers face the dilemma about whether to send from China fulfillment center or fulfill orders in the US. It depends on your categories of products, quantities, market, supplier location and budgets. This article is going to help you differentiate the pros and cons of these 2 approaches of order fulfillment supposing that your supplier […]
Strengthen Brand Identity with Value-added Services

In strengthening brand identity, value-added services provided by order fulfillment companies can significantly keep operations cost low and increase revenues, creating a more efficient and cost-effective supply chain for your online e-commerce store. It can also directly influence your buyers’ willingness to purchase, which would make you stand out in the races with other eCommerce owners. […]
Differences Between Third-party Logistics (3PL) Service and Full-service Fulfillment Center

There are clear benefits to outsource the fulfillment part: lower budget, more convenient, more flexible, etc. With so many companies claiming that they can take care of logistics matters, what kind of fulfillment service do you need? What do they mean when companies call themselves “3PL” or “full-service fulfillment center”? Freight forwarders, courier companies, and other companies which offer […]